

Bunny Scent
My Dog Would Kill
Oh Give Me A Hill!
Walk Don't Run
Wise Crack
Joy Is In My Blood
Second Brain
humanity is a tiger
monkey gun
It Came To Me This Morning
tetrahedral cull cathedral
Four Tribes
It Passes, The Night
Loki & Lucifer
Love & Laughter
I'm A Born-Again Virgin
Subliminal Pornography
Luscious Lips of Lily
I Will Follow
Science and Dreamer
The Blood-Spattered Banner
America Was Invented
So You Think It Was Coincidence
The Magic Spell
There Is A Graven Image
Mass-Marketed Sports
Do You Wear A Tie?
The Veil
Water Water
Their Halls Ring With Laughter
The Story of Christmas
Poem For A Past Pontiff
Exodus 20 Revisited

Burning Man sound poems

Interactive Poems:



A magic spell was cast that day
Enchanting humankind.
Entranced they faced in silent ranks
What TVs they could find

They open-mouthed and blank of brain
Absorbed the sacred verse:
How the pillars of Joachim and Boaz
Had been downed by an infidel curse

It must have been a magic spell
I can think of no other condition
Where so many maintain
That a crashing plane
Can lead to controlled demolition






