Bunny Scent
My Dog Would Kill
Oh Give Me A Hill!
Walk Don't Run
Wise Crack
Joy Is In My Blood
Second Brain
humanity is a tiger
monkey gun
It Came To Me This Morning
tetrahedral cull cathedral
Four Tribes
It Passes, The Night
Loki & Lucifer
Love & Laughter
I'm A Born-Again Virgin
Subliminal Pornography
Luscious Lips of Lily
I Will Follow
Science and Dreamer
The Blood-Spattered Banner
America Was Invented
So You Think It Was Coincidence
The Magic Spell
There Is A Graven Image
Mass-Marketed Sports
Do You Wear A Tie?
The Veil
Water Water
Their Halls Ring With Laughter
The Story of Christmas
Poem For A Past Pontiff
Exodus 20 Revisited
Burning Man sound poems
Interactive Poems:
Science and Dreamer
Humanity awoke
To find itself in a cabin, in the woods.
And Fear cried out:
“What shall we do? How shall we live?”
And Science stepped forth and said:
“I shall lead you.”
And Science turned to Industry and said:
“See you the wood that surrounds this cabin?
Hew you of it that we may have fuel for our fire
And wood with which to build.
And see you that glimmer down through the trees?
There lies a river.
Cut you a path to that river
That we may have water to drink and fish to eat."
And it was done
And it was good
And time went by
Then one day Dreamer stepped forth and said:
“But what of the forest?”
And Science smiled and said:
“What of it?
Do we not see it around us every day?
Do we not cut of it for our use?
We know all there is to know of the forest.
There is no mystery there.
Think you on the wonder of the river.”
And Dreamer fell silent.
And time went by
Then one day Dreamer was gone
And he was gone for many days
And when he returned he had a wild look in his eyes
And he said:
“I have been deep into the forest
And oh such wonders I have seen!”
And Science scoffed and said:
“The forest has made you mad!
We know all there is to know of the forest,
There is no wonder there.
Think you on the wonder of the river
Which ever flowing brings us the stuff of life
And whispers of the mysteries of time and space!”
And Dreamer fell silent.
And time went by
Then one day yet again Dreamer stepped forth, and said:
“But what of the mountain?”
And Science smiled and said:
“What of it?
Do we not see it plainly
When the sun is high and the sky is clear?
We know all there is to know of the mountain,
There is no mystery there.
Think you on the wonder of the river.”
And Dreamer fell silent.
And time went by
Then one day yet again Dreamer was gone
And he was gone for many days
And when he returned he had a wild look in his eyes
And he said:
“I have been to the top of the mountain
And oh such wonders I have seen!”
And Science scoffed and said:
“The mountain has made you mad!
We know all there is to know of the mountain,
There is no wonder there.
Think you on the wonder of the river,
For one day we will build ships
And travel on the river to other lands
And then… oh such wonders you will see!”
And Dreamer fell silent.
And time went by
Then one day yet again Dreamer stepped forth, and said:
“But what of the earth?”
And Science smiled and said:
“What of it?
Do we not stand on it every day?
Do we not plant in it to grow our food
And dig in it to bury our dead?
We know all there is to know of the earth,
There is no mystery there.
Think you on the wonder of the river.”
And Dreamer fell silent.
And time went by
Then one day yet again Dreamer was gone
And he was gone for many days
And when he returned he had a wild look in his eyes
And he said:
“At the foot of the mountain there are caves
And I have delved deep into those caves
And oh such wonders I have seen!”
And Science scoffed and said:
“Caves? Caves? There are no such things as caves,
For if there were would we not know of them?
The forest and the mountain have driven you completely insane.
Look how your words infect the children!
You are a danger and should be cast out!”
Then it was that Wisdom,
Who had not spoken before, stepped forth, and she said:
“Dreamer shall not be cast out.”
And the rest of humanity agreed,
For, in the end, he told better stories.