

Bunny Scent
My Dog Would Kill
Oh Give Me A Hill!
Walk Don't Run
Wise Crack
Joy Is In My Blood
Second Brain
humanity is a tiger
monkey gun
It Came To Me This Morning
tetrahedral cull cathedral
Four Tribes
It Passes, The Night
Loki & Lucifer
Love & Laughter
I'm A Born-Again Virgin
Subliminal Pornography
Luscious Lips of Lily
I Will Follow
Science and Dreamer
The Blood-Spattered Banner
America Was Invented
So You Think It Was Coincidence
The Magic Spell
There Is A Graven Image
Mass-Marketed Sports
Do You Wear A Tie?
The Veil
Water Water
Their Halls Ring With Laughter
The Story of Christmas
Poem For A Past Pontiff
Exodus 20 Revisited

Burning Man sound poems

Interactive Poems:



The Blood-Spattered Banner

Oh say can you be
One with dawn’s early light
And not proudly be vain
And know twilight’s true meaning
No blood stripes or cold stars
Seek no fortune in fight
O’er the infants to watch
As they’re happily dreaming
No more rocket’s red glare
No bombs bursting in air
Spread peace through the world
And show hope is still there
So hey!
Put that blood-spattered banner
And be truly free
At home
In a brave new day





